A blog for The Chronicle to cover the 2008 presidential election, of which Hofstra University plays a unique part as host of one of the presidential debates. Students will cover the election in real time.

October 14, 2008

Rabinowitz rings NASDAQ opening bell

University President Stuart Rabinowitz just rang the NASDAQ's opening bell for today's trading, with other University officials and Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murry at his side.

The trading day lasts from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and yesterday the stock market saw its largest single-point gain in history. That rally followed the worst week ever on the stock market, which lost 18 percent of its value last week, and 22 percent of its value over eight trading days.

"At the NASDAQ, that's Hofstra University, site of the third and final presidential debate tomorrow and a major lacrosse tournament next month," said CNBC's anchor as the bell rang.

--Samuel Rubenfeld

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