A blog for The Chronicle to cover the 2008 presidential election, of which Hofstra University plays a unique part as host of one of the presidential debates. Students will cover the election in real time.

October 2, 2008

Panel previews Vice Presidential Debate

The University hosted a second DebateWatch event Thursday night for the debate between vice presidential nominees Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) and Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska).

The event began with a panel of University political science professors, each speaking about what the candidates should be doing during the debate and what to look for.

The panelists included Leslie Feldman, professor of political science, Matt Sobnosky, graduate coordinator for the School of Communication and Stefanie Nanes, assistant professor of political science.

Professor Feldman spoke first about what the nominees should do so as not to embarrass themselves and gave her opinion as to why John McCain chose Palin.

"McCain is considered to be a liberal republican, that's why many conservatives don't like him. That's why he picked Sarah Palin; she's super conservative--she's madam conservative," Feldman said. She then said someone else on the shortlist, former New York State governor George Pataki, was too liberal for McCain to have chosen him because McCain had to pick a conservative to placate his party's base.

Nanes said that Biden "tends to blurt stuff out" adding that "he takes a good point and just runs it into the ground."

The panel ended after one question from an audience member, just in time for the viewing of the Vice Presidential Debate.

--Tejal Patel

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