A blog for The Chronicle to cover the 2008 presidential election, of which Hofstra University plays a unique part as host of one of the presidential debates. Students will cover the election in real time.

October 15, 2008

Hofstra's College GOP volunteers in New York City

Ten members of the College Republicans spent the night before the debate in Midtown Manhattan, volunteering for the McCain-Palin campaign at a fundraiser.

Tickets for the fundraiser ranged in price from a minimum of $1,000 to a VIP ticket costing $50,000 that got a donor a private meeting with the Republican nominee.

Sean Nabi, the president of the College Republicans, and Anthony Lucci, president of Students for McCain, each helped out at the Grand Hyatt in Midtown.

"It's remarkable that something like the debate coming to Hofstra gave us the opportunity to meet some of the most influential people in American politics today," Nabi said.

Nabi worked the door with Secret Service, where he met VIPs like Donald Trump and Stephen Baldwin. Both Lucci and Nabi got to hear Cindy McCain, Sarah Palin and John McCain speak to the donors.

While shaking hands on the ropeline, Nabi handed Palin his "Debate '08" pin, and McCain thanked ROTC member Alex McHale for his service.

"I got to shake two of the most important hands in the world tonight because I go to Hofstra," Lucci said.

--Samuel Rubenfeld

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